Drainage Improvements
With over 10,000 households in the City of Cabot, the need for improved drainage in our neighborhoods is important to real estate values. Commercial and retail developments continue to expand, creating new jobs, and opportunities for the City of Cabot. The proposed infrastructure will also be designed to support future development for the community.
The City of Cabot will be working on several drainage projects identified from a drainage study of needed infrastructure improvements. The proposed projects will help to reduce flooding, and will improve effective drainage control systems for the City. The final plans may vary from the following descriptions below.
This will NOT be a new tax. This will be an extension of the current 1% sales and use tax that was originally presented and approved in 2005, and extended in 2013 by voters.
Bonds of the City of Cabot in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $10,835,000 for the purpose of financing all or a portion of the costs of costs of the acquisition, construction and equipping of facilities for drainage and flood control and any necessary land and easement acquisition therefor, professional fees related to any of the foregoing, the establishment of reserves, and bond issuance and any credit enhancement costs, and, in order to pay the bonds, the levy and pledge of collections of a new 1% local sales and use tax levied within the City that will expire after the bonds have been paid or provision is made therefor in accordance with Arkansas statutes.
□ FOR the issuance of Drainage Improvement Bonds
□ AGAINST the issuance of Drainage Improvement Bonds
Shiloh Drainage Project - Hwy 38 south along the east side of the subdivision
Crestwood Drainage Project - SW corner of Crestwood subdivision along creek to Hwy 367. Design includes reestablishing drainage channel, gabion walls, cleaning channel
Barnwell Drainage Project - Drainage Ditch from Barnwell to Kerr Station, including repair/replace box culverts and drainage crossing north of box culverts. Design includes reestablishing drainage channel, gabion walls, cleaning channel
Click HERE for a detailed map of all Street and Drainage Projects