Early Warning Improvements
Weather hazards and related events such as tornados, heat waves, cold waves, windstorms, floods, and droughts jointly cause more economic damage and loss of life than other natural disasters. A well-functioning early warning systems that delivers accurate, timely, reliable, and understandable warnings allows individuals and communities to protect their lives and property.
Early warning information empowers people to take action prior to a disaster. Integrated with risk assessment studies, multi-agencies communication, and community action plans early warning systems can lead to substantive benefits. Such systems rely on commitment, collaboration, coordination, and information sharing among different stakeholders, at different levels (international, regional, national, local).
This will NOT be a new tax. This will be an extension of the current 1% sales and use tax that was originally presented and approved in 2005, and extended in 2013 by voters.
Bonds of the City of Cabot in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $275,000 for the purpose of financing all or a portion of the costs of the acquisition, equipping and installation of early warning facilities and apparatus, professional fees related to any of the foregoing, the establishment of reserves, and bond issuance and any credit enhancement costs, and, in order to pay the bonds, the levy and pledge of a new 1% local sales and use tax within the City that will expire after the bonds have been paid or provision is made therefor in accordance with Arkansas statutes.
□ FOR the issuance of Early Warning Improvement Bonds
□ AGAINST the issuance of Early Warning Improvement Bonds