Police Department Improvements
The primary goal of the Police Department is protection of life and property, prevention of crime, and apprehension of criminal perpetrators. The department strives to provide the best possible police service to residents of Cabot and to those who work, travel, and shop here. The City of Cabot has been consistently ranked as one of Arkansas’s 20th Safest Cities.
This will NOT be a new tax. This will be an extension of the current 1% sales and use tax that was originally presented and approved in 2005, and extended in 2013 by voters.
As the City of Cabot grows, so does the needs to expand the resources needed to provide a comprehensive police presence in our community. The proposed Police Tactical Training building will include real-world training simulations that incorporates the latest technology to enhance public safety. The facilities will allow the Cabot Police Department to continue to meet the State of Arkansas, Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training (CLEST), and the City of Cabot Police Department internal standards for firearms training, while increasing opportunities for advanced training.
Technology continues to improve law enforcement and, in turn, the relationship between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Cabot Police Department requires new equipment to strengthen how they operate as they continue to make the City a safe place to live and work.
The Arkansas Wireless Information Network (AWIN) will complete upgrades to the state wide operating system in 2022, making all of the current portable radio equipment obsolete. The Police Department is proposing to replace and upgrade the existing system and devices. This will allow them to coordinate communications with with thousands of law enforcement, fire, first responder, and other emergency services at the city, county, state, and federal levels. In addition to the proposed handheld devices, the department is also seeking improvements to enhance the technology in police vehicles. Dash mounted cameras, along with a rear mounted camera, will collaborate the facts during an encounter to ensure the safety of both our officers and the general public. The installation of Laptop computers will allow officers to streamline traffic stops, access State data, reduce paperwork, and increase productivity to our Police Department. With the pending 911 PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) consolidations, this equipment will allow emergency calls to be sent directly to the officers to increase emergency response time.
Bonds of the City of Cabot in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $3,255,000 for the purpose of financing all or a portion of the costs of the acquisition, construction, furnishing and equipping of facilities and apparatus for the City's police department, including particularly, without limitation, a new training facility, a new substation, vehicles and equipment and any necessary land acquisition and parking, lighting, road and utility improvements related thereto, professional fees related to any of the foregoing, the establishment of reserves, and bond issuance and any credit enhancement costs, and, in order to pay the bonds, the levy and pledge of a new 1% local sales and use tax within the City that will expire after the bonds have been paid or provision is made therefor in accordance with Arkansas statutes.
□ FOR the issuance of Police Department Improvement Bonds
□ AGAINST the issuance of Police Department Improvement Bonds